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Community Shapes
Description coming soon
Social Diagrams: Tractor
Graphite on paper
Machines like the tractor are incredibly complicated systems. I marvel at both the order they can create and the destruction they can leave behind. Machines don‘t exist in a social vaccuum. They are extensions of our values systems and beliefs, for better and worse.
Economic Ecologies
Graphite on Paper
Cattle egrets are a
migratory bird that like to land on different types of livestock and eat the
insects nesting in their hair. The relationship is mutually beneficial as the
cattle is rid of annoying pests and the bird gets a free lunch. Meanwhile, the
cow is drained by a human for its milk. The milk is so valuable to the human
that it keeps the cow suspended in a world-wide economic system. A new ecology
emerges, for better and worse.
Social Structures (2020)
Graphite on paper
If Our Bodies Were
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Don’t we all wish our bodies were
like states? The way we usually see it on maps, states have nice clean lines
defining where one ends and another begins. Sometimes they even have right
angles. Imagining boundaries makes us feel sure of where we are, and what is
around us. But as a disease spreads around the
earth, our imagined boundaries between states, between bodies, have become
increasingly uncertain. Distant places
are infinitely connected – through air, water, and all the creatures that move
between them. Similarly, our bodies are connected even when we don’t seem to
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Usufruct is a legal term
that roughly translates to “use the fruit”. It is a figurative phrase that
describes a person’s relationship to property, usually land, wherein ownership
is not concerned with privatization but rather collective benefit. In order for
everyone to get the maximum benefits - the fruits – collective decision making
and labor are essential. In an ideal circumstance, by working together everyone
gets more than they could get by working alone.
This unusually large banana can only
exist if everyone peels their banana and puts them together; in the commons the
sum is greater than the parts. Today, our technologies and abilities are
greater than ever, the banana is bigger than it has ever been. But when it is
enclosed, the fruits of collective labor begin to rot.
Physical Computing
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feel that when I do work on my computer I am participating in nature. Through one way or another, my computer is connected to large
buildings in Utah or Belgium, and these buildings interact with their
surroundings, through heat, through their volume in space, the humans that work
Some computers can disembody us, by mediating our
experiences through virtual space. But really, they are very physical tools
that we use across all scales. Tractors that work the land are guided by GPS,
and our bodies can even be sustained by breathing machines.
“Physical Computing” is meant to embody a contradiction
within the power of computing. Their ability to help us organize and coordinate
on massive and minut scales is matched by their ability to help us make a really
big mess.